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Tips for the Organization of an Online Board Meeting

The preparation of an online board meeting is vital to successful meetings, effective board engagement and the quality of minutes from meetings. The following tips will help you organize your next virtual board meeting and create the conditions for a productive and efficient session:

Set up an agenda that is reflective of the purpose of your meeting, like to inform the group, gather information or come to a conclusion. This will facilitate the discussion and aid your chairperson in directing the pace of the discussion. Include a maximum time limit for each speaker and topic in order to keep the discussion going.

Schedule the meeting at an hour that is convenient for everyone. This will allow participants to be able to participate in the meeting and ensure that a quorum present, which is a requirement for voting and democracy. Moreover, it’s important to consider the time zones of everyone in the room and provide them with the necessary tools to facilitate a smooth discussion.

Find a staff member to act as a timekeeper and ensure the duration of more every discussion and make sure that scheduled meeting times are adhered to. This will increase productivity and increase accountability of board members. It’s an ideal idea for directors and members to dress in business attire to keep away from distracting lighting and clothing that can be problematic when filmed.

Instruct or require all attendees to use video during meetings in order to improve engagement. This will also let them observe the body language of their co-workers. This will also promote a collaborative environment and help to build trust.

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