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Corporate Governance – Key Elements of Good Corporate Governance

Governance is the relationship between a company’s shareholders, board of director and management. This framework ensures that the interests of all stakeholders are in alignment and helps the company succeed in its long-term strategy. Transparency, accountability, and responsibility are the cornerstones of a good corporate governance. They can build trust among investors, customers as well as employees, and promote an environment of trust and respect.

A good board of directors consists of a mix of insiders (major shareholders, founders and executives) and independent members who don’t have close connections to the business. The outside directors bring a fresh perspective and knowledge, which can be helpful in making business decisions. They also act as a sounding board for insiders and provide them with additional insight and support.

Another key element of governance is the notion of fairness that requires the company to treat all employees, vendors, and shareholders equally. This is achieved by the company’s public disclosure of information including major decisions as well as financial performance and the results of meetings.

A good board will have a process that allows it to assess its effectiveness, as well as the efficiency of its committees, on a regular basis. Self-evaluations or surveys can assist in this. The board should assess the CEO and senior management on an ongoing basis, and if necessary take part in their evaluations. The board should also define the standards of conduct for members, committees and senior management. This will ensure that the leadership of the company as well as its members are held accountable for their actions.

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