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Board Management Decision Making

Board management decisions are based on a variety of data, whether it’s governance, financial, HR or strategic. This is particularly true of the more complex issues that a board might have to deal with, like M&A or strategic decisions.

These kinds of problems typically require a substantial amount of qualitative input from management and external experts to formulate an opinion and comprehend all the dangers associated. It is vital that this level of detail is effectively managed in order to ensure that the decision-making process doesn’t become bogged down or overly time-consuming. Most of the time, these decisions can be addressed in more specific board meetings, or perhaps in a dedicated workshop, which could help save time and energy for other strategic-level discussions that a board must engage in.

One of the key elements in good decision-making is making sure that the appropriate people are in the room when board members discuss a particular issue. Groupthink and the tendency of boards to rubber stamp decisions could have serious consequences. The best way to prevent this is for boards to make the habit of looking at every decision that is formally made available to them, in order to determine if it is appropriate for that level.

To do so, it is useful for boards to look at the different models of decision-making that are available. They differ in terms of complexity, but they all have strengths and weaknesses. It is an ideal idea for the board to discuss with its management team the advantages and disadvantages of each one in order to determine which one is most suitable to a particular decision.

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